We offer many adult clinics and leagues that are scheduled during the week. We also offer other programs as needed. Participants need to register by 7 pm the night before a class or clinic. If registering late, please email Rob at or Cory at to check availability.

COED 2.5 & Above (2.5+) (Mondays 6:00-7:00 p.m.)

Members: $20 | Non-members: $25

Looking for instruction and drills in a short period of time? Come out and try our coed clinics. Players may sign up on a weekly basis at the cost of $20 for members and $25 for non-members.

Live Ball (3.5+) (Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00 p.m.)

Members: $28 | Non-members: $33

Live Ball is constant drills for 1 ½ hours directed by DAC professionals. These coed sessions allow players to sign up on a weekly basis through our app or by contacting the tennis staff. Players must meet the required skill level of each group to participate. Participants may sign up per session.

Intro to Tennis (Tuesdays for 6 weeks, 7:00-8:00 p.m.)

Members: $62 | Non-members: $72

Want to learn the game of tennis in a fun environment? For new players or those wishing to start again, our Intro to Tennis program is a great place to start. Players may use our loaner racquets for free.

Intro to Play (Tuesdays for 6 weeks, 7:00-8:30 p.m.)

Members: $78 | Non-members: $88

The Intro to Play program is for those players that have been through our new player program and are ready for the next step. We will focus on a more play-oriented class with ½ hour instruction included.

Fast Feed (Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m.)

Members: $20 | Non-members: $25

This program is a fast-paced progressive doubles game for 2.5 players and above. Players must meet the required skill level of each group to participate, and each session requires a minimum of three players. These coed sessions allow players to sign up on a weekly basis through our app or by contacting the tennis staff.

Tennis Works Decatur (Sundays, 4:00-5:30 p.m.)

Members: $5 | Non-members: $7.50

This is a USTA – volunteer led – special event held on a weekly basis. The purpose is to help develop young adults and encourage them to play in USTA leagues. There is a weekly sign-up, limited to 16 players each week, and those interested must register by noon on the preceding Saturday. This is also a challenge league, move up and down during play to court to court. Based on performance that day.

Social Team Tennis (Fridays, once a month, 6:00-9:00 p.m.)

Members: $25 | Non-members: $30

There are four teams with six players on each team. Four players on each team will play each night: two guys and two gals, one round mixed doubles, one round gender doubles, and then finale is a mixed round with their other partner. This will be based on “first come, first serve” (no pun intended). Only eight guys and eight gals per Friday. We often have a potluck dinner. If you do not get signed up for a team, you can ask to be put on a substitute list. This is for players at a 3.0-3.5 NTRP level.

Ladies Challenge Court (Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00 a.m.)

Members: $20 | Non-members: $25

This is a league you must participate in for the entire session. You will slide up and down the court based on your prior week’s performance. This is for players at a 3.0 - 3.5 NTRP level. Sessions are September through December followed by January through May. If you do not get signed up in time, you can ask to be put on a substitute list.

Shot of the Week (Mondays, 12:00-1:00 p.m.)

Members: $17 | Non-members: $22

A minimum of two players is needed. Participants will work on one shot during the clinic every Monday: serve, serve return, forehand, backhand, volley, defensive lob, offensive top spin lob, over heads, and volleys. This is a great way to fine-tune specific skills necessary for a better overall performance.

Cardio Tennis (Mondays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. or 7:00-8:00 p.m.)

10-week rates: Members: $150 | Non-members: $200
Per session rates: Members: $18 | Non-members: $23

This 10-week class is non-stop doing different drills to music, guaranteeing a great workout. There must be a minimum of five pre-paid participants. If the minimum number of participants is met, others may participate per session.